Throughout the course of last year, the Dutch reality show Wie is de mol? (“Who is the mole?”) was shot in the Czech Republic. In September, the crew even visited the Moravian-Silesian region, where it shot some footage on the Tatra Kopřivnice premises, even at the unique Tatra testing polygon.
This show has a twenty-one-year-long history in the Netherlands and continuously enjoys great popularity and viewership. That means about 3 million television viewers and another tens of thousands of fans on social media could learn about our legendary automobile brand on Saturday night.
Every episode of the competition receives comments by YouTubers and over a million fans use the competition’s special app.
The second episode of the competition dedicates over 20 minutes to Tatra Kopřivnice. That means our region got a media platform worth nearly 7.5 million CZK free of charge (whereby the value of the show’s media environment is estimated at about 7,000 EUR per 30 seconds). The past has also seen a significant increase in the number of Dutch tourists on the shooting locations.
Other participants in the shooting included the Moravian-Silesian Film Office (part of Moravian-Silesian Tourism) and other Czech regional offices, the Czech Film Commission (a branch of the Czech Film Fund) and a foreign representation of CzechTourism in Benelux. Production on the Czech side was managed by Fixer Service Prague.
Contestants on the television show include ten famous Dutch celebrities who fulfill various tasks during shooting. The goal is for the contestants to discover which of their competitors is secretly sabotaging the game. The related app also involves the general public into the game. The fans can use the app to vote for “their” suspect every week.
The episode is available here, TATRA Kopřivnice starts at 36:20.